迷幻的仙乐Sailing Homeward - Donovan



当Donovan在20世纪60年代中期进入歌坛时,他被誉为“英国对Bob Dylan的回应”,这个比喻并不恰当,它没有完全地表达出这位苏格兰民谣流行歌手独特视野。Bob Dylan关心的是苦痛的现实,而Donovan却全身心地拥抱乐观主义,他仙乐般的声线和轻柔的音乐表现出一种神秘的美丽和孩童般的好奇,是迷幻时代的产物。值得一提的是,他曾和Jeff Beck乐队合作创作了1970年的专辑《Open Road》。然后他回到爱尔兰,在1972年的电影《The Pied Piper》中扮演角色,但接着的两张大碟在乐评和商业上都是败笔之作。之后他隐退于加洲的沙漠,只做一些小型的巡回演出。他真正的复出是在1991年和Happy Monday的合作。5年后,他发表了回归之作LP《Sutras》,在诸如Belle and Sebastian等苏格兰音乐新贵中依然保持其影响力。(网络整理)

试听:Sailing Homeward - Donovan. 播放器已支持iOS和安卓


Sailing homeward,it's time to go home,
Over the ocean of life we must roam.
And when you get there, say hello for me,
For I've a long, long way to go.

There may be stormy days, there will be fires
There will be valleys with mountains to climb.
And when you get there, say hello for me,
For I've a long, long way to go.

Whenever I wander weary, I'll reach for you,
I know you'll be there for to see me through.
Da da da da da da da da da
Da da da da da da da da da da

And when you get there, say hello for me,
For I've a long, long way to go

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