谜尚香水广告曲Coco - Parov Stelar & Lilja Bloom

Coco - Parov Stelar & Lilja Bloom


在现今电子爵士领域中,来自奥地利、原名Marcus Füreder的DJ / Producer Parov Stelar,是少有人能与之匹敌的高手(客席女声Lilja Bloom同样来自奥地利)。完美融合电子舞曲元素、摇摆爵士取样与灵魂声线于一体、氤氲夜雾般的忧郁氛围铺陈。这首《Coco》以灵动的钢琴开场,随后迷幻的女声唱出令人沉醉的靡靡之音。也是谜尚香水广告背景音乐。(网络整理)

试听:Coco - Parov Stelar & Lilja Bloom

MP3下载(320K MP3):地址1(百度网盘) | 地址2(360云盘)

Walking through dark streets,
the cold is looking for some way to stroke my skin.
My body is shaking, my knees are weak,
intense emotions overflowing me…

I try to find myself, I try to move on,
dont know where I am, please carry me home…
I try to find myself,
I try to move on, dont know where I am,
please carry me home…

But I tell you whats inside of me will never die,will never die…

I try to find myself, I try to move on,
dont know where I am, please carry me home

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