The Crime at Edmond Lake - Tamas Wells

Tamas Wells - Thirty People Away


Tamas Wells既是团名也是其中主唱的名字。这支来自澳洲墨尔本的indie-pop乐团从澳大利亚开始了自己的音乐事业,给整个澳洲乐坛带来了不小的情感冲击,通过他的第1张唱片《a mark on the pane》让他们在美国、英国、乃至日本也都有了属于他们的听众,可以说他们的音乐有种打动人心的魅力。专辑《A Plea en Vendredi》也是相当精彩动听,美丽的山水音乐,带着感情的简单舒缓的旋律和轻柔醉人的嗓音,让人体会这一份充满春天气息的温馨,如沐春风。这首《The Crime at Edmond Lake》选自专辑《A Plea en Vendredi》。

试听:The Crime at Edmond Lake - Tamas Wells


The leaves were raked at the end of Edmond Lake
For the teams to find the evidence of why
They had failed to rise and run out and hide
When they heard the voices calling from the flame trees

I could see if the lovers hadn’t been to the lake that day
They could have found a way
To escape to town and take the Greyhound
With the coins we found
We went into the morning light

Won’t you wait, won’t you ever hesitate?
In the leaves you rake at the end of Edmond Lake
You could find that trail of crumbs and details
Of a crime that made us shiver as we climbed back

I could tell how a rabbit and a spell
Could relieve our eyes of plastic apple pies
And the strings that held our covers in well
And the coins we found
We went into the morning light

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