Twenty Years - Placebo


曲名:Twenty Years
专辑:Once More With Feeling: Singles 1996-2004
介绍:Placebo是英国1994年组建的一只摇滚乐队。Placebo 中文译名为“安慰剂”,乐队的名字 Placebo 取自拉丁语,含义是“我愿意”(唱赞美诗前所说的第一个词)。是一个三人乐团,主唱兼吉他手Brian Molko,鼓手Steve Forrest,以及Stefan Olsdal(贝司、吉他和键盘)。 “我不想作耶稣,我只想作撒旦,”这是英国乐队“安慰剂”(Placebo)的主唱布莱恩·莫尔克(Brian Molko)在一次采访中抛给记者的一句话。没有眼影,没有唇彩,没有吉他,你永远不会把这个身高只有1.69米、骨瘦如柴的男人放在眼里。而当他经过精致的化妆出现在舞台上,当他弹着爆裂的吉他出现在唱片里,没有人会再忘掉他,“我想长得更高,我想变得更性感。而当我站在舞台上,我就可以实现所有的一切。”对保守而古板的“道德先生”来说,他是撒旦;对每一个“安慰剂”的乐迷来说,布莱恩则是他们/她们心中的耶稣。

除去那些围绕Brain Molko性取向、滥用药物的八卦话题,你会发现Placebo的出现,美丽忧伤,带着些许的错乱,坚实的Post Grunge参杂Prog-Rock/ Glam Rock的演奏,主唱Brain Molko的阴性嗓音,扭曲的倒错性格,加上阳刚十足,技巧丰富又深具特色的鼓点,带着Post Rock/Slow Core/Grunge/Punk/Noise味道的吉他刷弹和贝斯点,这三人团浑然天成地形成一幅意象丰富的图谱。(网络整理)

《Twenty Years》歌词:
There are twenty years to go
And twenty ways to know
Who will wear,
Who will wear
The hat.

There are twenty years to go,
The best of all I hope.
Enjoy the ride, the medicine show.

And thems the breaks for we designer fakes.
We need to concentrate on more than meets the eye.

There are twenty years to go,
The faithful and the low.
The best of starts, the broken heart, the stone.
There are twenty years the go,
The punch drunk and the blow.
The worst of starts, the mercy part, the phone.

And thems the breaks for we designer fakes.
We need to concentrate on more than meets the eye.
And thems the breaks for we designer fakes.
But it's you I take 'cause your the truth not I.

There are twenty years to go.
A golden age I know.
But all will pass, will end to fast, you know.

There are twenty years to go,
And many friends I hope.
Though some may hold the rose some hold the rope.

And that's the end and that's the start of it.
That's the whole and that's the part of it.
That's the high and that's the heart of it.
That's the long and that's the short of it.
That's the best and that's the test in it.
That's the doubt, the doubt,
The trust in it.
That's the sight and that's the sound of it.
That's the gift and that's the trick in it.

You're the truth not I.

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