另一个Leonard Cohen:Jim Cain - Bill Callahan

Bill Callahan
曲名:Jim Cain
艺人:Bill Callahan
专辑:Sometimes I Wish We Were an Eagle
介绍:作为美国最传奇的歌手之一,Bill Callahan一直以来被誉为是这一时代的Leonard Cohen。—— The Telegraph


Bill Callahan是一位多产的的美国创作型歌手,擅长以简约而深刻的旋律承载诗意清雅的歌词,与听众产生丰富的情感共鸣,我们亦能从他的作品中看到Leonard Cohen和Tom Waits的影子。

在美国的Lo-Fi/Indie圈,Smog无疑是个传奇的名字,乐队主脑Bill Callahan惯用一台家用四轨录音机录制的作品曾感动和启发了无数乐迷和乐手,而他之后与著名美国独立厂牌Drag City长久稳定的合作关系也成了独立界的一段佳话。自1988年出版首张卡带作品以来,Smog乐队共发表十多张专辑,作为低保真(Lo-Fi)音乐的代表,被载入独立音乐史册,低调神秘,特立独行。


在以Smog的名义做了20年音乐之后,Bill Callahan于2005年决定启用自己的本名发表作品。Callahan自己的音乐,和Smog时期多少有些不同。当年对四轨机的迷恋和固执,到现在被相对更好的录音所替代;从当年坚持用一种乐器演奏一支曲子,到现在略显丰富的配器;更重要的,是比起那些年的迷幻少年心气,如今忧郁敏感的低沉吟唱更加令人沉醉。(网络整理)

推荐:Jim Cain - Bill Callahan

I started out in search of ordinary things
How much of a tree bends in the wind
I started telling the story without knowing the end

I used to be darker, then I got lighter, then I got dark again
Something to be seen was passing over and over me
Well it seemed like the routine case at first
With the death of the shadow came a lightness of verse
But the darkest of nights, in truth, still dazzles
And I wore myself until I'm frazzled

I ended up in search of ordinary things
Like how can a wave possibly be?
I started running, and the concrete turned to sand
I started running, and things didn't pan out as planned

In case things go poorly and I not return
Remember the good things I've done
In case things go poorly and I not return
Remember the good things I've done
Done me in

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