Far away from home - Groove Coverage

Groove Coverage
德国Groove Coverage(“舞动精灵”)乐队2002年出道,出道时间虽然不长,却以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧。
仅凭两张专辑——“Covergirl(2002)”和“7 Years and 50 Days(2004)”,Groove Coverage乐队轻而易举虏掠了一代年轻乐迷的心。在专辑“Covergirl”中,单曲“God is a girl”(《上帝是女孩》)问鼎2003年欧陆舞曲榜,成为该年度最强劲的“黑马”;动感十足的“Far away from home”(《无家可归》),则被众多知名DJ誉为当今舞曲最为精华的传世之作。
具体来讲,Groove Coverage的音乐属于“Trance Music”(“迷幻音乐”,也称作“睡房音乐”),是上世纪90年代出现的一种电子舞曲形式,以节奏强见长。其速度保持在每分钟130拍到160拍之间,由不断重复的电子旋律合成器产生的乐句组成,并通过音轨来调节声音的强弱。
据说,Trance Musice很受 Goa trance(果阿印度催眠乐)的影响,因其旋律和节奏很容易让听者进入催眠状态,所以被称为“迷幻音乐”。
这首“Far away from home” 就是典型的trance music,因此,强烈推荐失眠人士作为必备良药放在枕边。不过,要小心哦,歌手略带绝望的嗓音很让人感受音乐底质的“撕心裂肺”,所以,极大可能,闭上双眼时,你已泪流满面。

试听:Far away from home - Groove Coverage

I am loving living every single day
but sometimes I feel so……
I hope to find a little peace of mind
and I just want to know
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts
and what are we to be
Where is home on the Milky way of stars
I dry my eyes again.

In my dreams
I am not so far away from home
What am I
in a world so far away from home
All my life all the time
so far away from home
Without you I will be
so far away from home

If we could make it through the darkest night
we have a brighter day.
The world I see beyond your pretty eyes
makes me want to stay
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts
and what are we to be
Where is home on the Milky way of stars
I dry my eyes again.

In my dreams
I am not so far away from home
What am I
in a world so far away from home
All my life all the time
so far away from home
Without you I will be
so far away from home

I count on you
no matter what they say
cause love can find it time
I hope to be a part of you again
baby, let us shine

And who can heal those tiny broken hearts
and what are we to be
Where is home on the Milky way of stars
I dry my eyes again.

In my dreams
I am not so far away from home
What am I
in a world so far away from home
All my life all the time
so far away from home
Without you I will be
so far away from home

In my dreams
I am not so far away from home
What am I
in a world so far away from home
All my life all the time
so far away from home
Without you I will be
so far away from home

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